Baby-led weaning in the Blogosphere
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I have done the rounds in the blogosphere this morning again, and I found a few new posts/blogs and threads about the subject of baby-led weaning:
Blogging history day at What we did on our Holy days
Baby-led weaning at big saucer
Baby-led weaning now with added mess at miniTwig Land of Wonder
Tommy Tipped Out and Pears beware at Roryworld
8-14 October 2006 at Mummy and Daddy Clark
Baby-led weaning - Rapley - anyone done it?
Baby-led introduction to solids?
I have been thinking about the subject of handling criticism for our parenting choices lately. Baby-led weaning included, we seem to have made a few decisions that aren't quite mainstream and since I have no peer support network to discuss them, I've been searching the internet for any sort of advice on the subject. Today I finally came across a useful-looking article on the website of Dr. Sears. I know it's written in relation to fussy (high maintenance) babies, but many of the suggested advise made sense in from our pov as well.
Handling criticism at
Blogging history day at What we did on our Holy days
Baby-led weaning at big saucer
Baby-led weaning now with added mess at miniTwig Land of Wonder
Tommy Tipped Out and Pears beware at Roryworld
8-14 October 2006 at Mummy and Daddy Clark
Baby-led weaning - Rapley - anyone done it?
Baby-led introduction to solids?
I have been thinking about the subject of handling criticism for our parenting choices lately. Baby-led weaning included, we seem to have made a few decisions that aren't quite mainstream and since I have no peer support network to discuss them, I've been searching the internet for any sort of advice on the subject. Today I finally came across a useful-looking article on the website of Dr. Sears. I know it's written in relation to fussy (high maintenance) babies, but many of the suggested advise made sense in from our pov as well.
Handling criticism at