Enough is enough is enough
Lukas has been pooing incredible amounts for the last couple of months. He sleeps really well in our bed, but recently he had been waking up 2-3 times in the 2 hours between when he goes to bed and when we go to bed. He's been eating his porridge, mixed with 1/2 a banana and a little dollop of yogurt with a great appetite, but for some reason I was suspicious. His stools often smell of yogurty porridge, and after reading smelly's post I decided we'd leave the evening porridge out unless Lukas insisted on having it (which of course he wouldn't).
We've gone without the evening porridge, and with minimal morning porridge, for 4 days now. Every one of these nights he hasn't really woken up at all (except once last night, when someone banged a door), there's a been a lot less straining and he seems happy as ever. His stools seems to arrive in more reasonable intervals, and he has started to eat more during his dinners.
This just goes to show that every weaning experience (not just baby-led weaning) is a case of trial and error. There is no one way of doing it right. Rather than developing a comfortable routine and sticking to it, it's much more important to constantly observe your baby and his or her signals. The baby's development is constant, so what works for him this week, mightn't be welcome at all in two week's time.